martes, 5 de julio de 2011

New home in Mombasa

finally made it down to Mombasa, with our bags and all (long story..) and settled in a rural small village north to the city... this IS real Africa..
our host mother, Asha, is a muslim, like most of the people down here, but she wears bright colors and a contagious smile..
jambo! jambo! the little kids follow us everywhere wanting to shake hands with us... the same hands that will be then grabing whatever is there to eat... sitting on the bear floor of our rustic new home, where there is no running water and the minutes carry the african stigma of relative time... a never ending song on TV, and numerous flies among the smiles and cautious looks of our welcoming new friends...

tomorrow we start working... :)

2 comentarios:

  1. Ei La!
    Molt molt i molt guai, espero que continui així i que puguis ensenyar molt moltíssim, tot i que probablement sempre serà poc amb les coses que aprendràs allà!
    Petó desde barcel... Sant Feliu de LLobregat.

  2. T'ho vaig dir que et perseguien per saludar-te i dir-te cosetes. :) :) :) Deus anar tot el dia amb un somriure d'orella a orella...


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