Once they were dismantled, he was sent to other African countries; spending half a year in each country more or less and going back home for a week in between...
He went on like this for a few years but then he was assigned a project in Zaire and his mother asked him not to go, as it was very dangerous back then.. so he quit and decided to start the orphanage...
That was in 2004, 7 years ago now..
In the beginning he had his own place near the orphanage, but soon enough he had to give that up, as he couldn't afford the rent.. Now he stays at the orphanage with the children..
I don't make any further questions on the matter, as I know there are only 2 rooms: 1 for the girls and the other one which is "the office" plus the boys' room.. 3 bunk beds for 12 kids plus him?
Today he is wearing a ragged shirt with a big hole in the chest area, but he still manages to speak of the future with hope and determination..
He tells us about his projects and ideas as we walk..
We go talk to a man who has a greenhouse and explains all the process to us.. Christopher wants to understand whether it would be a viable project that could help the children get a better nutrition..
Of course this is a fortune here...
Damn money...
Christopher has had problems with the teachers at the orphanage as he is often not able to pay their salaries.. Luckily the police have always urged the two parts to talk it through, as they understand that there is no money and with him gone the children would be alone..
This month, as we are there, he spears the teacher's costs.. Which is translated into more food for the kids..
Christopher makes me a trustee for the orphanage, which means I have been given their trust to raise funds for the orphanage.. I accept without making any promises but inside I am screaming, I am crying, I am furious, I am DETERMINED to be able to raise the money to help these incredible children, the incredible people they could become, if only there was money....
If only there was money....
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