martes, 21 de junio de 2011

2 sides to our world

in 10 days i'll be saying my one-month goodbyes..

.... farewell to this incoherently great world of ours, only to enter a different one: a much more established disaster..

the world i know (in both sides of the ocean) is tragically based on the southern nightmare of poverty and countless injustices, which regrettably result in human drama.. the world we live in is the dream version of reality; the "heads" to the coin; the "white" to the sheep; the "blind" to the eye...

down there: the other side.. the dark and forgotten one.. a much cruder reality; a tangible challenge for everyday people.. a genuine catastrophe..

............. and yet, i expected to find a stronger light, a different joy, a purer laughter.. i anticipate to discover brighter colors, learn greater lessons..

.... a frightening and yet amazing new world awaits me...

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