we are just starting but we hope we can make a difference in these children's lives.. they deserve so much more...
we gotta start somewhere...
we gotta start somewhere...
· the first 250 dollars we get will go towards bringing light back to the center… literaly.. electricity!
· after that, our goal is to ensure the salary of at least a couple of teachers (in order to have two classrooms: one for kids 2 to 9 and another for those 9 to 13) - this is about 200 dollars a month, and although now having this monthly income seems veeery difficult to achieve, we hope we’ll make it..
· we are also hoping to find people who will want to sponsor a child. This is a must especially for the older ones, to be able to send them to secondary school, where they are not only taught but also fed - this is about 200 euros per child a year
· we also have in mind to organize small "fundrising events" with various activities and performances by friends and acquaintances. Depending on the success of these events, we will be able to define our next steps, but our idea is to return to the orphanage and built new classrooms and convert the current building into decent housing facilities. –this could be
· Periodic shipments with school and educational material as well as clothing and footwear will be also organized.
THANKS for helping make this possible!!!
Estamos todavía empezando pero esperamos entre todos poder ayudar a estos ninos tan increíbles.. hacer que sus vidas sean algo mejores...
· nos gustaría poder encontar gente que quiera "apadrinar" algun niño, sobretodo los mayores, para poder mandarlos a la escuela secundaria, donde no solo les enseñan sino que a parte les alimentan - esto son unos 200 euros por niño al año
· también tenemos en mente organizar alguna "jornada" de forma puntual para recaudar dinero, con actividades varias y actuaciones de amigos y conocidos. dependiendo del buen resultado de estas acciones, podremos definir exactamente los siguientes pasos, pero nos gustaría poder volver al centro y hacer unas instalaciones que sirvan de clases y reconvertir el centro actual en habitaciones decentes para los nenes. - por los numeros que hicimos in-situ esto podrían ser unos 10 - 15.000 euros
· también haremos envíos sobretodo de material escolar y educativo y ropa y calzado
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