martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

exposicions per Shanzu

Desde ara i fins passat festes, 3 casals de Barcelona compten amb una exposició de fotos per donar a conèixer la realitat dels nens de l'orfenat i les maneres com col.laborar-hi..

si tens ganes d'apropar-te a veure les fotos, pots fer-ho a qualsevol d'aquests centres:
            • Casal de Poble Nou - Antic de València 96-106
            • Casal Diagonal Mar - Selva de Mar 22
            • Casal Verneda - c/ Santander 6 

Moltes gràcies als casals per sumar-se a l'ajuda. Merci a tots els que heu posat del vostre temps i les vostres ganes per fer que aquestes exposicions siguin una realitat.

    domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

    bringing the power back

    yesterday darkness came a little later than usual... last night the children at Shanzu were celebrating LIGHT.. a whole new meaning to the word "power"...

    and now that the power is back, a whole new world of possibilities awaits.. only a switch away..
    the power to read at night, the power to heat water, the power to access the world...

    after only a few months, your donations have brought power to these kids' lives.. and with power comes hope...

    i certainly hope we can keep on empowering these kids, so that tomorrow they too will bring light to the world.

    our next goal is raising enough money to build 4 classrooms as a separate building for day-time tutoring and activities and to remodel the current building as home and bedrooms only.